● Artist Statement 「置き去られた鏡」
鏡の表面は少し曇り、寝ぼけた老女の顔が映っている。その背後には緑色の引き出 しと、描きかけの絵に洗濯物。手にしたスマートフォンで反転した自分を撮影する。
インスタレーションの作品から映像や絵物語に移行して、しばらく経つ。私は物語や 記憶の発生装置として、インスタレーションの構造を作っていた。時と共に、私の暮 らす社会構造は急速に変わり続けている。物語や記憶をテーマに、私は今、何を作る ことができるのだろうか。「鏡」の役割が変化しつつあることと無関係だろうか。モノ タイプ版画の制作を始めたことが契機になり、「鏡」という、問いかけに満ちた迷宮に足を踏み入れた。
現在の世界は、多種の時間軸で認識されているのではないだろうか。それと呼応す るように鏡の在り方も変化したように思える。スマートフォンのようなガジェットの 存在は、新しい鏡の仲間と言えるだろう。きっちりと壁に一枚づつ掛けられる重い鏡 の他に、人は手の中に常に軽やかな鏡を持つようになった。今、この時も一体何枚の 鏡が人の手中にあり、世界を移動しているのだろうか。
そのような時空で、個人の記憶や物語は、世界中に点在する大きな物語へ急速に結 び付き、争いと協調という二面性を持つ「共有」の中で、タイトルも主人公も薄まっ て、途切れた山脈のように重なり合っている。記憶の瘡蓋を剥がし続け、物語=ナラ ティブの闘争が重苦しくのしかかる現在では、今までとは異なる物語の技法と態度を 私は希求せざるを得ない。
日常は、簡単に癒すことのできぬ哀しみや可笑しみがいくつも連鎖する。物語=ナ ラティブを編み直すには、空になる場所が必要だ。展示前の空間、品物を取り出した 後の箱、データを消した後のハードディスク。絵の具と像が剥がれた、プリント後の モノタイプの版。
風景が光景に変わる前に、あるいは光景を風景に変える前に、舞台の幕が上がるそ の前に、舞台の最中にも出番を待つものが日々の生活を営み、生を描く。明るさと暗 さ、あちらとこちらを自由に行き来できる空間として幕間が存在する。時間と空間を 仕切る無数の幕の袖で、私は描く作業をする。しかし、鏡の歴史に深く吸い込まれ て、なかなか描くべき舞台が見えてこない。月明かりでうつる水鏡のような、おぼろげな像が無数に現れては消える。無数の像が消えゆく前の生々しさを伝えようとして も、次々とそれらは記憶の箱の中に収納される。スマートフォンの画像は今や最も鮮 明だ。しかし、それらも記憶の箱に入れば、輪郭が滲みコントラストも色彩も変わっ てしまう。生きた像は鏡にうつされた後は、まるでモノタイプ版のように剥がれた像 の状態で記憶される。そのように消えようとする記憶もまた、大切なのではないかと 思う。
何が必要なのか。そうだあの面倒な私個人の記憶を呼び戻してみよう。初めて鏡に 映ったものを見たのは、夜、ガラス戶に映った怯えた自分の顔だったか。そして大人 の女の匂いのするコンパクトミラー。過去の幕間からつながる記憶の鏡はおぼろげ で、電球は切れかけて点滅を続けている。鏡は記憶に対する包容力を持たない。私や あなたが見たと信じているものを、ただうつす。
もし、信じていなかったものがうつっているとすれば、それが、鏡にうつらない記 憶に違いない。無人の暗室内にあっても、明るい陽射しに満ちた未踏の花畑にあって も、鏡はうつらない記憶を内包し、置き去りにされるものとして、そこに在る。
置き去りにされた鏡はこういうだろう「これが本来のわたしとあなたの姿なのだ」 と。
世界をスマートフォンで探索しているうちに、昔話のような物語が、ある日突然は じまる。白髪になるほど時が経ったことを忘れ、友と心置きなく交わされる言葉は息 を伴う。鏡に映すことで声や言葉の意味は、互いの鏡で反射し照応する。しかしその 後、鏡は友の息をうつすことはなかった。幕間では、今も輩が何かを描いているよう な気がしてならない。幕は生と死の両面を持ち、幕間にいる輩は二つの面を描く。鏡 にうつるのは、その片側のみであったとしても。
もうすでに人は鏡に姿をうつさなくなったのだろうか。夕暮れに鏡にうつる私の姿 は、絵の具が剥がれたモノタイプの版に変化していた。幕間から飛び出た絵が、映ら ぬ息を吐きながら鏡の向こう側から近づいてくる。
朝と夕の悪戯に満ちた再会が叶うように願い、鏡にうつるただ一枚の絵に、ほうっ と息を吐いてみようか。
2024 年 1月28日 筆
※「幕間」についてのコメントは note に記載の以下のテキストを参照
Artist’s Statement
The Forsaken Mirror
In the morning, I stand before the mirror and let out a deep breath.
The slightly clouded surface of the mirror reflects the aging visage of a sleep-frazzled woman. Behind her is a green chest of drawers, an unfinished picture, and a pile of laundry. With my phone I snap a photo of my reflection, then look at the image in the palm of my hand.
It has been a while since I shifted from installation works to making videos and pictorial narratives. My installations were structured as devices that generated stories and memories. As history marches forward and the society I belong to keeps drastically changing, I wonder what I can do with the theme of narrative and memory. Does it relate to the evolving role of the mirror? I began working with monotype printmaking, and this marked my entry into a labyrinth of questions with the mysterious “mirror” at its center.
Today we all grasp the world along different timelines, and the nature of the mirror seems to have changed accordingly. Smartphones and other gadgets are present-day equivalents of mirrors. In addition to the heavy old-fashioned mirrors carefully hung on our walls, we now carry their nearly weightless counterparts in our hands wherever we go. How many of these mirrors are traversing the world, clutched in people’s hands, at this very moment?
At this point in space-time, personal memories and stories are instantly woven into the broader narrative tapestry that spans the globe. In this ambiguous shared space of conflict and cooperation, stories’ titles and main characters fade and blur together like distant, fragmented mountain ranges. In these times, with the scabs of memory continually ripped away, weighed down by conflicting narratives, I am driven to explore unprecedented approaches and perspectives on storytelling.
Our daily lives are a parade of sorrows and absurdities that are not easily healed. To reconstruct our narratives, we need spaces that become empty: galleries between exhibitions, boxes with their contents removed, hard drives with their data deleted. Monotype plates after printing, stripped of their color and imagery.
In my search for an empty space, I came across the word “interlude.”
The interlude before a scene becomes a spectacle, or vice versa, before the curtain rises on the stage, or even during the performance when actors wait in the wings to take the stage. These actors are us, living our daily lives, portraying ourselves. The light and the dark.
Some interludes are spaces that let us move freely back and forth. Waiting in the myriad curtain wings that divide time and space, I do the work of drawing. But I am drawn too deeply into the mirror’s history, and I stages I ought to depict remain elusive. Like fleeting images on moonlit water, countless vague forms appear and disappear. I try to seize these vivid images before they fade, but they are sealed one by one into the vault of memory. The clearest pictures are the ones on my phone, but once sealed away in memory, those too slip away as their contours fade and their contrasts and hues change. Once reflected in a mirror, living images are remembered like stripped-away layers of monotype prints. However, I believe even fading memories are precious.
Is it meaningless to search for memories that are not reflected in the mirror?
What should I do? I know, I’ll try delving into my own troublesome personal memories. The first time I saw myself in a mirror, was it my frightened face reflected in a windowpane at night? Was it a mirrored compact that bore the scent of a grown-up woman? The mirror of memory, leading back to interludes in the past, is clouded, its light bulbs flickering, nearly burnt out. Mirrors lack the generosity to preserve our memories. They simply reflect back what we believe we’ve seen.
If we see things that we had not believed in, surely those are memories that mirrors failed to capture. Whether in a deserted darkroom or in a pristine meadow bathed in sunshine, mirrors hold these forsaken things, our unreflected memories.
A forsaken mirror might tell us: “This is what we really look like, you and me.”
One day, as I’m navigating the world through my phone, a narrative like an old fable suddenly unfolds. I forget that so much time has passed that my hair has turned to silver, and the words I exchange with a friend flow effortlessly as we breathe. Reflected in the mirror, our words and their meanings bounce between our mirrors and flow into one another. But after this, my friend’s breath ceases to cloud the mirror. The curtain has two sides, life and death, and those in the interludes can see and depict both sides. Even if the mirror reflects only one.
Have we stopped seeing ourselves in mirrors? In the dusk, my reflection has turned into a monotype, its pigment stripped away. A picture, emerging from the interlude, approaches from the other side of the mirror, letting out invisible breath.
Longing to meet again, full of the mischief of dawn and dusk, I let out a breath in front of this lone picture reflected in the mirror before me.
January 28, 2024
© Matsui Chie
●Statement On My Work
Chie Matsui
Revised November 24, 2019
“As I lead my life in this city, I cling to the right to dream, with tentacles of thought extending from the present into the past and the future.”
Seeing, speaking about, and listening to as much as possible is all-important: this is a false conception. In the field of art, this becomes abundantly clear. To want it all is to lose it all. The more we pursue perfect beauty, the more it is buried beneath our yearning. Still, we cannot stop seeking after beauty. In our civilization, art is constantly being shown in a new light and transformed, yet it remains vital and lives on. Artists show us various aspects of human conflict, impatience, anxiety, and loss. Human emotions, which since the advent of modern times we have been expected to hide in the course of daily life, to thrust away into a far corner in pursuit of the ideal of the independent individual, overflow as if Pandora’s box had been opened.
Is there really a purpose to my creative activities? Even if they have no purpose, my works spark questions, calling up and preserving my own memories. They are devices that generate such questions. Questions naturally originate from the individual “I,” and the individual craves complete fulfillment in its own life, shouldering the fate of humanity as a species. A living being unable to stop such cravings, I live within them and spend my days experiencing their pains and joys. Art innately exists within us as a device that functions in this way. How are the questions that swirl within our civilization manifested now? I create works in a wide range of formats in order to seek out these questions and render them visible.
In the process of continuing to make installations and drawings, I have been confronted with questions of how people perceive spaces, what it means to be conscious of spaces, and how people create images of the world by forging relationships with spaces, and have attempted to trace the sources of the symbolism we find in them. An inevitable part of this process was establishing a point of entry to the creative process in examination of the way narratives, such as myth, religion, and fable, which were transmitted by the human voice prior to the emergence of the written word, are manifested in the contemporary era. In the past, these myths and religions gave rise to extraordinarily powerful systems, binding spaces with unity accompanied by unshakeable symbolic frameworks. This has the effect of persistently preventing our images of the world from being divided and differentiated. However, in our current situation, where the joyful symbolic system no longer functions, this effect only functions to produce nostalgia for what is lost, or splintered fragments of illusion. Through my wishes and desires accompanied by fear of inevitable fragmentation and disruption, the voices of spaces finely resonate, and the world I inhabit begins to rotate like a pendulum. How can I find the focus of my work amid this unstoppable rotational movement? Searching for the foundation, or fundamental resonating tone, that underlies images of the world led me to produce video works.
Since starting to work in the video medium in 2000, I have made 27 works. I began by documenting intentional movements I performed in installations. Video works are recorded in light, and the images reproduced again in light. Whatever technique or method I use, what I present in the end is some form of “time standing still.” People walk around installations, their gaze moves over the surfaces of drawings, and the eyes follow the movement in video pieces, but in all cases an uninterrupted series of “blinks” is directed toward a still object. We have a dynamic impression of the action of “blinking,” but it actually has the function of halting time. Blinking’s result is that motion is frozen and becomes “still” in memory. Thus far I have accumulated an uncountable number of stationary remembered images. Before I start to walk I am still, and I have come to realize that stillness is not “things in motion ceasing to move,” but rather a state of latent potential to move at some point in the future. However, stillness is highly imperfect, always in a state of vibration and poised to begin moving. The drawers that record and store our daily experience are kept closed in order to be opened.
Both natural and urban landscapes are important elements of my video works. It is the places of decay and desolate wilderness that tell various tales most eloquently. Nature at familiar human scale is superimposed on our everyday memories with relative ease, but when nature transcends human scale, this becomes increasingly difficult. As someone who came from a city, developing the ability to relate playfully to nature is a challenging process. In my recent work, I attempt to approach it from both sides. Meanwhile, sites where I filmed my past works have been abandoned or faded, as is the way of the world, and can never be seen in the same state again.
Since rereading the Japanese translation of Heidi by Johanna Spyri at the age of 44, I began to include my age in the titles of my video works. This series began with Heidi 44 and has continued up to Heidi 54. In the original novels, the child Heidi is actually not a central character but a subsidiary one who moves the plot along, and the story actually paints a picture of the lives of the adult characters. The content of the story, written in 1880, still seems amazingly relevant today. For example, the reason Heidi became an orphan: her father died in an accident, and her mother then wasted away, following her husband into death. In our contemporary media, Heidi is depicted living happily and cheerfully, but what would her life actually have been like at that time? Descriptions of it are omitted in condensed versions, and the sorrow lurking beneath the cheer is only visible in brief glimpses. In my Heidi video pieces, I avoid adhering to the story arc, instead producing work in which a 44-year-old Heidi has remained in the mountains, at times going down into town and roaming here and there. The use of site-specific filming locations was also based on the theme of “people roaming, lost where ever they go.”
The innate yearning and uncontrollable fear of nature are fundamental aspects of the human condition. I read myths, religious texts, and fables to envision human nature, as concealed in these tales in allegorical form. The main point is not to reenact the stories, but rather to leave narratives in images unresolved, connecting images and sounds in the same way that a few temporary bridges connect different places, which allows me to imbue the pieces with accidental and arbitrary qualities and bring out the new element of allegory from the images. Through the cracks opened up by allegory, glimpses of intertwined sights, scenes, and landscapes can be seen.
So what are the relationships of meaning connecting scenes, sights, and landscapes? This relates closely to the deep underlying tone resounding beneath human memory, that is, the emotions. Images of the world are vast compared to the realm of the individual, but I believe there are pathways connecting them. I hope that my work, rooted in our current era which extends the mixing and intertwining of different cultures occurring throughout history, will act as a device that resonates with the deep underlying tone vibrating in all human beings. “What was a landscape in memory will become a scene,” “What was a scene in memory will become a landscape”: the back-and-forth between these forms the axis of my production of video works as vessels for the generation of allegory.
While my video works have progressed year by year, in tandem with my own age, in society it has become second nature for us to transmit information through images and image recognition. After I began using social media, I posted an image of a picture I had made on the Net. In human growth, image recognition is the first method we use to remember things, and I have been addressing this theme since 2011, all the while sensing that our ways of recognizing the world are gradually changing. For the series Ms. Piece I adopted the rule that materials and styles would not be consistent, and that I would also release works I regarded as failures, though viewership is limited to friends and acquaintances. Over time I have received all kinds of comments on the pictures, and people who do not meet or exchange words in person can feel free to write what they feel about them. Thoughts are put down in words and exchanged. Eventually an exhibition was staged, presenting the “originals” of what people had only seen on the Net. When these fragments, which I titled Ms. Piece, were arranged in chronological order, it was hard to believe that they were fragments at all or that they had been made by the same person. This project has had the effect of diluting and dissolving the ego.
Text, aso central to culture and civilization, is in a time of transition, and in contemporary society images have taken on a degree of influence unknown in modern times. The world has already been drastically altered by social media and the flood of still and moving images on the Internet. In a short period of time, it has become the norm for people to live with devices that are extensions of themselves. At the same time, as our civilization evolves, relationships between “visible and invisible,” “audible and inaudible” are clearly entering a new phase. In our current era, when uncertainty causes histories and narratives rooted in the soil of specific regions to grow increasingly prominent, I face the daunting challenge of how to present what is “visible and invisible” and “audible and inaudible” in art. However, electronic images of the world cannot be transmitted or received once the power on our devices is switched off, and this jeopardizes the very foundations of our self-knowledge of where we stand. I harbor modest hopes that for this reason, art will remain a crucial means for us to survive and thrive. Today, talk of high ideals has become rare and can even sound comical, but the body, heart and mind that form our underlying foundation do not change so easily. I send a piece of art, a gift that will not physically reach your hands, into the wilderness of the Net, and shut down the power for another day.
2014年 4月
2014年 映像制作メモ
2011年 HEIDI51映像制作メモ