critical essays
大がかりな階段がはじめて現れてきたのは、1989年11月、国立国際美術館での「近作展 7-今村源/松井智恵」においてであった。この展覧会は、二人によるものであったが、二つの個展の並列ではなくて(すなわち、たがいに独立した二人の作品が、それぞれに展示されるのではなく)、二人の構想が干渉しあいながら、ひとつのダイナミックな場としての展覧会を作り上げることはできないか、という実験であった。それぞれの過去の作品を知っている人には、どの部分をどちらが作ったのか見当はつくにしても、最終的には、どこを誰がということは重要ではなくなるように、部屋全体がひとつのインスタレーションになるようにしよう、という試みであった。おたがいの領分のなかへ相手の構想が入り込んでくる、ある意味ではviolentな共同作業であったため、二人はそれぞれに、自分を主張しながら、自分を相対化してゆかねばならなかった。その意味からは、彼女が部屋の中央部を大きく占拠させた階段あるいは展望台は、そこから相手の構想を眺め、同時に自分の構想を客観視するための装置として、象徴的な役割を果たしていたように思う。恐らくは、この展覧会での経験が大きく作用したのではないかと思われるが、これ以降、彼女は今までにはないラディカルな展開を示しはじめた。
この後も、アメリカを巡回した“Seven Artists”展などに参加しながら、多くのインスタレーションを発表してきたが、彼女の作品は、常に、厳密にサイト・スペシフィックである。サイト・スペシフィックであることによってはじめて、周囲の空間と作品や観客との間に身体的な共振がえられる。すなわち、サイト・スペシフィックであることによってはじめて、視覚性を超えることができるのである。
(Out of Place(catalog), Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, 1993/10/23 - 1994/1/17, in English.)
Keiji Nakamura
It is no exaggeration to say that in Japan only Chie Matsui can be truly regarded as an installation artist. It is true that at the end of the 1970s many artists became aware of international trends and began to show installation works, and that this coincided with the beginning of the use of the word "post-modern" in Japan.
However, after fifteen years it is questionable how deeply installation has been fixed in Japanese art. The number of installation exhibitions is decreasing and it cannot be said that the quality is improving.
For the past few years, works by the young generation of Japanese artists, works that can be termed "post-installations", have been noticed both in Japan and overseas. These works, are too large to call "sculptures" or "objects", their appearance too machine-like to call "works" or "expressions" in a traditional sense of the word. Although this is the generation of people who grew up looking at installations and keeping them within their range of vision, their methods are no longer within the framework of installation. It cannot be said that installation has directly nurtured them. Rather, they have discarded a vague, Japanese style of installation and moved on to another stage.
The reason installation has ended up as a frivolous, passing fad in Japan, is because most artists could not find what only installation can express: an essential physicalness. Mere form was imitated and most installations lacked spatial and physical existence. In Japan, many artists did not understand that an installation must begin with a specific space or site in mind, whether it is in a gallery or not.
Space itself is a material in an installation and many Japanese artists, who didn't understand this, often ended up simply extending the two-dimensional into the three-dimensional. Although these works were called installations, most of them were merely visual or pictorial renderings. The medium was new, but its content was still borrowed from old media—as Marshall McLuhan would say.
As to Chie Matsui's installations, there is no denying that her early works tended to be more pictorial, more literary, more narrative. Images from a private world were realized in various structures and objects. For instance, in Matsui's early work we might find a landscape from her childhood memory or a scene from a dream, or an intimate, difficult-to-define story. A succession of psychologically meaningful elements, such as a hanging blue fabric or a floor covered with sand and symbolic marks (like that of a wandering bird's footprints) were used to present the inner world of Chie Matsui.
These early works required the viewer to reconstruct an entire image and narrative within himself by going over each element and carefully interpreting the implicit meanings behind them. Many of the materials and structures Matsui used to realize her inner world were not merely visual. In many cases, she used materials to stimulate the tactile rather than visual sense and the details of meaning were communicated by physical and sensual means.
Materials Matsui often used in her early work were sand, pieces of fur, logs with rough bark, bricks that seem to be damp, thick pieces of glass whose sections radiate a deep green colour, and lead sheets that give a sense of substance as well as an illusion of lightness with their iridescent glow. She chose this variety of materials to stimulate more than mere vision. Her works demanded active participation and physical involvement rather than passive contemplation. By almost touching them, we found our primordial and fundamental senses stimulated and awakened. The works asked us not to set ourselves apart and interpret her inner world, but to be drawn physically into her world.
In Matsui's later works, more complete apperception is required. A physical action, such as actually walking through her works, becomes more important than noting successive details and following the continuous flow of tactile stimulation. Devices to draw out physical perception that Matsui often uses in her later work are stairs and narrow passages. The spectator who strays into Matsui's labyrinth, or is forced to go up and down her stairs, is obliged to find the artist and then himself.
The first time a large-scale stairway appeared in Matsui's work was at Recent Works 7: Hajime Imamura, Chie Matsui held at the National Museum of Art, Osaka, in November 1989. This exhibition presented works by two artists but was not two independent solo exhibitions shown together. The exhibition was an experiment that attempted to create a dynamic space where the concepts of two artists could come together. For those familiar with the past work of each artist, it was possible to guess which artist made which parts-but in the end "who made what" was no longer important. The aim of the exhibition was to turn an entire gallery into one installation work, with the works of one artist invading and intervening in the other's realm. In a sense, it was a violent collaboration in which each artist was forced to both relativize and assert himself/herself. A large stairway and observation platform that Matsui made occupied the centre of the gallery and played a symbolic role as a site for objectively observing the works of Imamura as well as Matsui's own. Her experience at this exhibition was undoubtedly significant, since after this exhibition her work showed new and radical development.
The installations shown by Matsui between the autumn of 1990 and the early spring of 1991 revealed significant progress. The construction became very simple and the narrative elements were less obvious. Each work assumed the more abstract character of a device without definite purpose. There were fewer tactile details and the viewer was left without any of Matsui's psychological clues. This abandonment of fictive elements was followed by a simplification of the composition of the work as a whole. Only a simple and pure physical action like entering and passing through her work was demanded. The viewer was not asked to interpret a pre-existing narrative, but to consider Matsui's installation as a circuit for the artist's introspection as well as a circuit where the viewer might find himself. Within the product of the artist's deep self-reflection and ruthless self-scrutiny, the narrative had to be created by each individual.
A specific example of Matsui's development is seen in the installation work, Daughter is in the Position, 1990 exhibited at the annual Art Now exhibition held at the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe, in November. Art Now of 1990 was, unlike previous Art Now exhibitions, a retrospective look at the entire 1980s. Fourteen artists who had been past participants in Art Now exhibited their work. Matsui's installation relativized her own past works and seemed to bid farewell to her past activity.
The installation consisted of a large room whose outer and inner walls were covered with fake grass; it looked like a large green box within the spacious gallery. To reach this space-well insulated from the outside gallery space where other works were exhibited-the viewer had to pass through a single opening. Inside was Matsui's own "museum", where a few acrylic display cases held fragments from her past works. The displayed items were made to seem like archeological "finds" from some ruins. In reality, they were elements of her installations shown in the 1980s. I was stunned by this daring and ruthless objectifying of everything Matsui had lived. Clearly she wanted to show the time lived (vécu) as inevitably lying between herself in the past and herself in the present.
There may also have been an ironic comment on museums as institutions that display an artist's past uniformly as "works". This might be seen in the contradiction between the seemingly modern museum system, where a person's past is stored and occasionally displayed or exposed, and the exhibit where art of today "breathes." In other words, Matsui's work puts a question mark between artist and curator. However, what is more impressive about this work is Matsui's thorough objectivity toward everything that she has lived. A girl's black hat with a long ribbon is hung outside the back wall of the installation at the end opposite the entrance. Just above it is a small opaque incised square that seems to be a window but instead traces the exact spot where inside the installation we find a photograph used in Matsui's past work. The position of the hat is a little bit higher than the girl's height. Does this suggest the world that the girl tried to peep into before she fell? What is Matsui really trying to make that hat tell us? Her too-intense intention to part from girlhood denies us an easy interpretation, making us hesitate to even look at the hat.
Matsui showed even further refinement and simplification of structure, along with a greater willingness to discard "herself," at her solo exhibition at the Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka, held in December 1990. As at Art Now, she defied the gallery space with a large, oblong shape. The shape was evenly covered with lead sheets and its exterior appearance was almost like that of a box. There was an opening through which the viewer entered. The interior, also covered with lead sheets, was lit by a cold, blue light and the floor consisted of stairs that were connected to the back wall. There was nothing to interest the viewer psychologically except a hole on the back wall that looked into a kaleidoscope a slight and single link with the outside world-and the warmth of a brick and plaster floor, or the coolness of lead, which seemed to reject touch. The viewer was left only to enter the oblong and go up the stairs aimlessly.
When a viewer is confronted with the purity and apparent meaninglessness of such an action as going up and down stairs-not even in an open space but in a closed and insulated space-that viewer soon finds himself facing himself. The room is like a crypt of a huge tomb. Who is going to be buried? The viewer, probably. In this cathartic device, Matsui helps the viewer to discard himself, to bury all the past and to gain a new present.
From her early installations to her most recent ones including Seven Artists, which was presented in the United States and Mexico, Matsui has engaged her viewers in work that is site-specific. She has always been particular about making her installations site-specific. Only by being site-specific can a work achieve physical resonance between the surrounding space and viewer which enables it to go beyond the visual. By being more than visual, the work can play with the relationship between subject and object. The subject (viewer), who observes the object (installation) is shaken and forced to go beyond the object. In this way an installation can place the artist on the outside of the dichotomous distinctions considered as absolute: subject and object, form and content, art and life. The installation is thus a non-modern or super-modern method for expressing a supra-Western attitude. The installation's aim is not to describe something that has already been conceived by objective observation, but to make the viewer experience the chaos prior to the observation. The installation is a device which requires not only the artist but the viewer as well to share this chaos before knowing what is in it. Thus, a conspiratorial connection is established between the artist and the viewer through a physical action like walking through the work rather than through appeals to the visual or abstract.
With the demands she makes of the viewer, and her increasingly simplified compositions, Chie Matsui lets us experience more of the hidden complexity of the world.
Keiji Nakamura is the Senior Curator at the National Museum of Art, Osaka.
The article was translated by Tomoko Matsutani.
The text by Chie Matsui on page 101 was translated by Katsuya Ishida and Dana Fris-Hansen.
「ゆっくり生きる」What is the Real Nature of Being (2008年1月12日~2月24日)
この作品に対して多くの人がまず感じるのは、映像全体の脈絡のなさではないか。鹿の剥製、楽器は何を意味しているのか、なぜ倉庫にあるのか、なぜハイジはわざわざ危険な梁の上を歩くのか、そもそもハイジが倉庫をめざす理由は何かなど、目を凝らして見れば見るほど、しかも同時に流れる言葉と関連づけて解釈しようとすればするほど、明快な意味づけから離れて行き、つかみ所のない混沌とした感覚が増幅される。だがそれこそが逆説的にも、一貫した文脈の生成や体系化を拒む作家の精神の有り様を浮彫りにしており、この特質自体は映像作品に移る前から松井の作品に顕著であった。 松井の2000年以前のインスタレーション作品は、質感の異なる様々な素材のオブジェが空間の各所に配され、またそれぞれが微妙なつながりを暗示するため、鑑賞者は実際にあちらこちらを歩き回りながら、意味の断片を試行錯誤でつなぎ合わせ、手探りで全体像をつかみ取る必要があった。それは、視覚だけでなく、身体の全感覚が関わることを見る者に要請する作品であった。それゆえにかつて中村は、日本では松井のみが真の意味でインスタレーションを自己の表現方法としている作家だと評し、インスタレーションの特性として次の点を挙げる。「インスタレーションは、主体と客体、形式と内容、そして美術と生活という、これまで絶対とされてきた区別の外側に美術を位置付けることを可能にする。インスタレーションは、非近代的あるいは超近代的な、超西欧的な態度のための方法であるともいえよう」(3)。
(1)中村敬治、松井智惠『一度もデートをしなかった』(ロバフィルム舎、2005年11月1日)付録DVD収録「COMENTARY」《HEIDI 44》
(3)前掲、p.80(初出:Out of Place, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1993, p.111)
(4)前掲、pp.68-70(初出:Out of Place, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1993, p.101)
Chie Matsui (1960-)
Chie Matsui first studied textile design in Kyoto City University of Arts and started her first installation using mixed media including silkscreen on various
fabric, wood and plaster in early 80s. In 1990 Matsui was invited to Aperto in the 44th Biennale di Venezia. Since then, her works have been presented in many overseas venues
including Site Santa Fe, Vancouver Art gallery, Louisiana Museum and The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Through the 1990’s she had been working on large-scale installations consisting of
minimal white walls, symbolic objects and drawings. In mid 90s, Matsui started “Labor” series that uses different kinds of materials such as fake fur, mirrors and round saws surrounded by
red walls with cut out letters. Such cut out letters read, “She works”, “She testifies”, “She lacks” and so on. She also represented the characters and landscapes from famous stories
for children written by Grimm Brothers and Aesop in her drawings and objects. In the series Matsui questions contemporary issues such as the position of women as well as artists in Japan’s
society. In 2000 Matsui produced her first video work She dissolves. In the work, Matsui herself appears out of a square hall on the floor in her installation room and crosses the
room to go underground again through another hall. The course of action is repeated for about 30 minutes. Matsui produced various version of this type of video; each shows Matsui
herself repeating a simple course of action and behavior in gallery space, seashore of a small island and a spiral staircase in an old building. Her tortured body bearing hard work reminds
the viewers of penance by a pilgrim. In Heidi series Matsui refers to a famous fable by Johanna Spyri and casts herself on the heroin, Heidi, who is an orphan raised by her grandfather in
Alps. Through the series, Matsui challenges the internationally well-known moral character and creates her own visionary story. Her second Heidi series Heidi 45 was first presented in
Yokohama Triennale 2005 in hi-definition format. Heidi 45 starts with a cryptic dialogue between an old lady and a girl in imaginary language with subtitles. Matsui is also known for
her hallucinating drawings and paintings, which have been shown at the gallery from time to time. Her drawings are not plans or drafts for her video/installation, but more independently
created in association with her video/installation.Chie Matsui was born Osaka in a Buddhist temple family. She lives and works in Osaka, Japan.
©Mizuho Kato
カタログ論考「現代の微量元素」(執筆者:飯田志保子)より部分抜粋(pp.15-17 日本語頁)
ベック・ディーン(パフォーマンス・スペース アソシエイト・ディレクター)
飯田志保子(東京オペラシティアートギャラリー キュレーター)
ISBN 978-4-925204-22-4 C0070
松井智惠は80年代から一貫して、視覚の優位に基づく前近代的な二項対立型の思考原理を突き崩し、身体性を重視した実践を重ねてきた作家である。80年代には視覚だけでなく触覚を刺激する素材を頻繁に用い、90年代には空間内に階段や通路を仮設し、観客の具体的な身体経験を要請するサイト・スペシフィックなインスタレーションを行ってきた。*12 松井の実践は、断片的な要素に分裂し続ける意味や関係性を、全体性のうちに再統合することである。*13 そしてインスタ―レション《彼女は溶ける》(1999年)の空間内で自身の反復動作を撮影した映像作品《she dissolves》(2000年)以降、パフォーマンスと映像に連続性をもたせることによって、彼女の作品は反復性と偏在性をより強く感じさせるものになってきた。
松井はパフォーマンスと映像の関係について、次のように述べている。「パフォーマンスは時間を止められず、映像は断片的なシーンを撮ってイメージのしりとりのようにして作っていくが、どちらもシーンとシーンの間、つまり時間のつなぎ目を考えていくという点では同じ。」*14 この「しりとり式」は、ジョイントを残すことである。切り替えれば別の映像が出来上がる可能性をもたせたまま、一つの可能性を選び取る行為である。
――松井智惠『彼女は溶ける』1999年より *15
「(イメージは)記憶のレイヤーの一つとして残ればいい。[…中略…]モノはなくなっても消えたわけではなく、記憶の中にそのものとしてストックされている。実体はないけれどそこにあり続ける。」と松井は言う。*16 私たちはまさしくそのことを、《she dissolves》における「遅延されたイメージの反復」として経験するだろう。地底にある見えない地下水脈として偏在する時間は、「彼女」を別の次元にジョイントし、反復させる。
もう一つの出品作である《HEIDI 46-1 “brick house”》の撮影が行われた大阪の築港赤煉瓦倉庫は、大正12年(1923年)に建てられ、戦後コンテナ船が主流となって1999年に倉庫としての役割を終えるまで、国内外を結ぶ貨客船への貨物の積み卸ろしが行われる物流拠点として栄えた歴史を持つ。その後2006年まで現代美術やサウンドアートの展示に使われ、松井もその運営に関わっていた。*17 偶然にもシドニー展の会場となる現在のパフォーマンス・スペースが位置する赤煉瓦倉庫の複合文化施設キャリアジュ・ワークスと重なる歴史と外観である。その大阪港の赤煉瓦倉庫での文化事業が終止符を打った2006年から開始した「ハイジ」のシリーズは、松井がヨハンナ・シュピーリ原作の『ハイジ』から、自分と同じ年齢になったハイジとその物語の風景を読み取り、自身の内面世界と重ねながら映像化した作品で、作品の枝番号には彼女自身の実年齢が付けられている。港や倉庫は、大勢の人とモノが行き来したアノニマスで集団的な記憶と時間を集積した場である。シリーズのなかでも特に《brick house》は、「そこにあり続けた」と仮定されたハイジ=松井という器を通して、倉庫にストックされた記憶と時間を一時映像に留め置き、再び流し出す、中継地点としての性格が強い作品である。倉庫の重い扉を開くラストシーンは時間の循環を予感させ、きわめて象徴的である。
12. 中村敬二「松井智惠とインスタレーション」、中村敬二・松井智惠『一度もデートをしなかった』、松井智惠/ロバフィルム舎、2005年、pp.68-81参照。
13. 松井智惠「エッセイ――作品とともに」、前掲書、pp.68-70参照。
14. 松井智惠「ゆっくり生きる。」展アーティスト・トーク(芦屋市立美術博物館、2008年1月19日)でのコメントより。
15. 松井智惠「彼女は溶ける」、前掲書、pp.46-47。
16. 松井、前掲「ゆっくり生きる。」展トークでのコメントより。
17. 松井との会話とMEMから提供の資料より。
Title: Chie Matsui (an excerpt of the catalog Trace elements)
Publication: Catalog of the exhibition Trace elements: spirit and memory in Japanese and Australian photomedia
Date: July, 2008 Author: Shihoko Iida (Curator, Tokyo Opera City art gallery)
Since the 1980's Matsui has consistently make installations that speak not only to the sense of sight, but the sense of touch and to the body as a whole. Here, two video works will be exhibited. Sh dissolves, the first video ever made by the artist, retains her original interest in the body thorough its incorporation of performance. The second video work, HEIDI 46-1 “brick house”,which is based on Johanna Spyri's novel Heidi, depicts a possible future for the character of Heidi at the same age as the artist, as well as various scenes not shown in the story. In a magical blend of fable, performance and video, artist presents viewers with visual suggestions of people's presence floating in midair, a limitless aquifer creating an ever-present reminder of time, and traces and accumulations of group memory. She makes a joint to an alternative dimension, repeating them over and over.
Interview with Chie Matsui
Shihoko Ida: Your early works, witch were installations transformed what were anonymous sites into very specific sites. But since you started making video works, I think you've been making places anonymous and that could be found anywhere. What does a “specific site” mean to you? In your video does your performance influence the space's transformation to anonymity? And, how do you see the relationship between the act of reconstruction a story within a video and that of creating an entirely temporary space as an installation?
Chie Matsui: In a sense, “specific sites” can occur anywhere. It is the question of “what or who is there and in what state?” that gives rise to a site's specificity. That's because as I made physical installations I began incorporating the question, “what does space mean to humans?” into those works. As a result my works ever since have been “questions.” A space, or site, consists of innumerable elements. For examples, texture and humidity, scale and light. My interest ended up shifting to those most primary sensations existing in people whose senses have been stimulated by the same set of external elements. Next, I started investigating the kind of simplified events and places that are captured so remarkably in myths, fables and stories. With those concrete elements present, my work began changing in about 1993 to installations posing moral questions.
It was in 2000 that I started making video art. But in my early installations I had occasionally used photographs- photo showing parts of the body or prints made from slides the content of which I no longer had any recollection. When used like this, Photographs can also become anonymous.
You could call installation a device for emphasizing the fact that “memory is shared.” If you hace a memory that you can't share with people then you could say that it does its status asa memory inside you, and gets caught in a state of limbo. But memory that is shared can have two forms ー vagueness and clarity. If everyone already has his/her own story, I have to face the question of what to express. It sounds like an exaggeration, but this is a difficult question; It was forom the moment I decide to become involved in a site and its memoryー not as an artist but as a personー that I naturally shifted from just making installations to making them as videos. I realized that it was a vision of man's “primal landscape” that I had been seeking. Of course I do hesitate when starting to work on a site. But no matter what I decide to make I find myself stuck going backwards and forwards and becoming a prisoner to “memory”and “space.” This can't be helped. In this way installation results in scenes that are neither landscape nor spectacle. The “spaces” in may early installation works and recent video works might be of a very different type, but if you follow the progression you will find they are linked.
Whether walking around installations, or sitting down in the videos, both are capable or conveying a moral. They are each capable of upholding that connection.
For that reason the works I make now do not trace out a story; their theme is to ask what it is that arouses the imagination, and also to depict the gap between landscape and spectacle.
Shihoko Iida
松井智惠の映像作品について ― 夢と覚醒と ―
青山 勝
「なんと薄いのだ、この世界の窓は」(《HEIDI 53 "None"》)
松井智惠は、1980年代以来、彼女が「寓意の入れ物」と呼ぶインスタレーション作品を発表し、注目を浴びてきた美術家である。それは、「布やレンガ、あるいは砂、丸太、毛皮など触覚性の強い材料の使用によって、視覚だけではなく、身体的な感覚を喚起する作品であった」(1)。2000年に松井は映像制作を開始するが、以来それらの映像作品は、最新作の《HEIDI 54 "Purusha"》(2014年)にいたるまで、基本的にインスタレーションの一部として組み込まれ、そこで周囲のたたずまいとともに全身で受けとめられるべきものとして発表されてきた。それゆえ松井の映像作品は、一般的な意味で「映像作品」と呼ぶのが躊躇われる作品である(2)。
《HEIDI 45》の冒頭には、滑稽なまでに重ね着をした女性――松井自身が演じる――が登場する。これはハイジの原作の冒頭にある描写と照応関係にあることは間違いない。しかし、この重ね着の姿は、それと対比的な女性、すなわち、〈HEIDI〉シリーズに繰り返し姿を現す白いワンピースの寝間着姿の女性――これも松井自身が演じる――のイメージを際立たせる存在として重要なのであり、その意味は『ハイジ』の原作の物語における表面的な意味とはさしあたり無関係である。〈HEIDI〉シリーズの第一作《HEIDI 44》で、幾重にも重ねられた衣服を脱ぎ捨て、白の寝間着姿になった裸足のハイジは、それ以来10年にわたって、あちこちをさすらい、さまよい続けてきた。その姿には、少なくとも原作に含まれる2つの、正反対ともいえる少女のイメージが重なり合いながら圧縮されているように私には思える。
(1) 中村敬治「橫浜ポートサイド・ギャラリー企画案」(中村敬治・松井智惠『一度もデートをしなかった』ロバフィルム舎、2005年、pp. 12-13)。
(2) 上記の企画案のなかで中村敬治氏は、2000年前後の美術界における世界的な「映像作品」の隆盛を片目に見つつ、松井の作品を「ヴィデオ/パフォーマンス作品」と呼び、いわゆる「映像作品」と対峙させることで、そのポテンシャルを明確に際立たせた。
(3) 松井智惠「作品について」、平成26年春の有隣荘特別公開「松井智惠 プルシャ」展カタログ(公益財団法人 大原美術館)に掲載予定。
©青山勝 (大阪芸術大学芸術学部教授)
On Chie Matsui’s Video Art —Dreams and Awakenings—
Masaru Aoyama
“How thin are the windows of this world”
(HEIDI 53 “None” )
Starting with her installation titled “Allegorical Vessels,” Chie Matsui has steadily been gaining
recognition for her work since the 1980s. “The tactility of the materials she used--cloth, bricks,
sand, logs and furs--involved the senses and engaged visitors in a corporeal experience.” 1
Although she began delving into the video in 2000, the works she produced between then and
her most recent HEIDI 54 “Purusha” (2014) have generally been conceived as parts of a larger
whole in an immersive installation. For this reason, one hesitates in categorizing Matsui simply
as a video artist.2
Despite this fact, Matsui’ s videos are far from mere material components of her installations;
isolating them from the installations does not render them lackluster or incomplete as artwork.
In fact, it often seems the opposite is true. Idiosyncrasies of the piece unravel in new directions
and realign themselves in shifted focus within their altered contexts. In this exhibition at
MEM, 8 works from the HEIDI series will be shown together. Including her latest piece, they
represent a project begun in 2004 and developed over the course of 10 years. It is an extremely
rare and valuable opportunity to be able to experience such a comprehensive collection of
Matsui’s videos and surely a notable occasion for all those invested in the medium.
The HEIDI series is based on J. Spyri ’ s novel of the same title, but not with the aim of
videographically reenacting its narrative. Matsui’ s method instead involves liberally selecting
elements from the original and throwing them into the “allegorical vessel” of video.
At the beginning of HEIDI 45, a woman (played by Matsui herself) appears bundled in heavily
layered clothing. This woman undoubtedly stands in an anaphoric relationship to the over-clad
character who is portrayed in the beginning sections of the original text, and in contrast
against the woman, also played by Matsui, who appears and reappears throughout the same
HEIDI series wearing a white sleeping gown. She, however, is not a surface-level narrative
reenactment of the cloaked girl who plods across the landscape in Spyri’ s introduction. The
Heidi who first shed her manifold layers for the white gown in HEIDI 44 (the start of the
series) has since roamed here and there, barefoot, during the past 10 years. Within her figure, I
see a compression and overlapping of these two oppositional visions of the girl put forth in the
original story.
The first of these images is of a girl who has fled from constraints pressed upon her by the
adults of society to find liberation and innocence in nature. The 5-year-old Heidi discards her
heavily layered clothing and frolics with her friend Peter in the vast and bountiful country.
Similarly free meanderings are also acted out by the woman in the white night gown. She, too,
is barefoot and vulnerable, roaming and feeling her way through surrounding spaces in paths
whose unconventionality bewilder the adult minds around her.
The other is that poignant image of the somnambulist. The girl who yearns to return to the
Alps contains her impulses during the day, but they flow out from the bottom of her uncapped
consciousness at night, risking harm to the girl’s body by pulling it out of the safety of her bed.
It is as if her longing for the mountains were manifesting itself as a ghost-like presence.
These images of the young girl are nearly opposites of one another, but the two share an
incompatibility with the perception-based order of daily life and may instead belong to the
zero-gravity realm of dream-logic. Their elating dynamism, deviation, and unfettered motion
lie on the other side of the stagnation and confinement that trail the fall-like awakening from
dreams. This may be why one senses a profound sadness or wistfulness that continuously
reverberates in the depths through all of Matsui’s works.
The manifold, multi-leveled universe that unravels here provides an experience similar to
dreaming of waking from a dream. It is a universe where dreams reflect one another endlessly,
like images caught and bounced between coupled mirrors. Yet while the beauty of these scenes
may first threaten to intoxicate us, our consciousness is guided not toward the clouded
confusion of solipsism but closer instead to a clearer state of awakening. “Purusha,” the title of
Matsui’ s latest piece, indicates a spiritual-mental ontology that distinguishes itself from its
“Prakrti” counterpart of material phenomena. The former is frequently iterated with the
analogy of “a person looking at reflections in a pool of water or mirror.” 3 Video images,
characterized by the same immateriality, are closely related to these mirrors and glass
windows. Although they may reveal to us the diverse states of our world, they are themselves
fragile, contingent on external objects, “thin,” and near-transparent as an immanent presence.
Paradoxically, Matsui is able to endow her work with the brilliance, frankness, and
authenticity of archeological artifacts by fully acknowledging this “thinness” of video. She
makes no attempt at concealment or compensation.
What Matsui’s art allows us to see is not the stuff of dreams in the sense of enthralling desires.
It is in fact these alluring visions from which her work beautifully yet cruelly awakens us.
(1) Keiji Nakamura “Yokohama Portside Gallery Exhibition Statement” ( ‘We Never Went Out on a Date,’ Keiji Nakamura
and Chie Matsui, Robafilm Publishing, 2005, pp.12-13).
(2) In the statement cited above, Keiji Nakamura highlighted the new alternative possibilities offered by Matsui’ s work,
calling it a kind of “video-performance art” and positioning it in confrontation against the practice of working in the
more widely explored terrain of “video art” that was collecting momentum in the art world around the turn of the 21st
(3) Chie Matsui, “On the work,” Catalogue for the Yurinsou Special Exhibition of Spring 2014 (Chie Matsui: Purusha),
Ohara Museum of Art.
©Masaru Aoyama
題名:近くて遠い 遠くて近い
出典:平成26年 春の有隣荘特別公開
公益財団法人 大原美術館 柳沢秀行
ガラスの履物作りと水島コンビナートでの撮影という松井さんからのオーダーだけは、事前に調整して協力してくださる相手に引き合わせたが、それ以外は本当にぶらぶらと二人で街を眺め歩く感じであった。不思議なことにその道中で偶然に出会ったものたちが《HEIDI 54 “プルシャ”》となった映像の中で大切な役割を果たすこととなる。それは、ガラスの履物の制作を請け負ってくださった倉敷芸術科学大学の磯谷晴弘さんの研究室にあったガラス球であり、倉敷民藝館の売店でたまたま見つけた石川昌浩さんのガラスの水差しであり、あるいは観光客を乗せて倉敷川を行きかう船でありという具合であった。
秋から冬にかけて3 度にわたって行われた撮影は、こうして彼女のもとに集ってきたオブジェや風景がシーンを作り、そのシーンがまた新たなオブジェを要請するといった感じで進行していった。ただ、もちろん作品の核心にあるのは、松井さんならではの有隣荘への批評と有隣荘に触発された思念であることは言うまでもない。
そのような松井さんの認識にさらなる奥行きを与えたのは児島虎次郎記念館のオリエント室だったろう。最初のリサーチ時にこんな所もありますよと軽い気持ちで招き入れた部屋の中で松井さんは長らく佇んでいた。古代のガラスや陶片を前にして、西洋と東洋といった分類が生まれる以前からあった文明の存在や文化の伝播に思いを馳せ、目の前にある陶片から時空を超えて響く音色を感じたと言う。そして映像作品《HEIDI 54 “プルシャ”》に登場する小物たちは、どこかその部屋に並ぶ品々の姿を感じさせるものとなった。
た7 代目と8 代目の小川治兵衞も、それぞれの仕事で施主孫三郎の気風を示しつつも、さらには踏み込んで孫三郎の意を汲み彼が妻壽恵子を思う気持ちを示そうとしたに違いない。抑制された装飾、ゆったりとした天井の高さ、あるいは階段の格段の間尺など、この邸宅はいずこも包容力ある優しさに満たされてい
孫三郎はこの邸宅が完成した1 年ほど後に児島虎次郎を失う。孫三郎はただちに本邸の向かいに虎次郎が西洋で収集にあたった作品と虎次郎自身の作品を公開するための美術館建設に着工するが、それとほぼ同じ時期に妻壽恵子までもが逝去する悲運に見舞われる。次第に姿を見せ始める美術館の姿を、孫三郎は有隣荘の大きな窓からどのような思いで見ていたのだろうか。壽恵子の死から半年ほど経った1930(昭和5)年11月に大原美術館は開館する。
映像作品をはじめて見せてもらったのは、展覧会1 週間前ほどの会場設営の際だった。松井さんが「プルシャ」について「水面や鏡に映った映像を見る人にたとえることができる」と示したように、《HEIDI 54 “プルシャ”》の映像には倉敷川の川面や有隣荘内の鏡や窓に関わるイメージが頻出する。そして有隣荘内に作り上げられた展示も、1 階和室で投影される《HEIDI 54 “プルシャ”》を中心にしながら、その映像と深く呼応したものとなった。
また、展示作業の最後になって有隣荘内で描かれた2 枚のドローイング《ドローイング プルシャ1》《ドローイング プルシャ2》【PP・36、37】が1 階和室のほの暗い床の間に置かれたが【P・34】、そのモコモコとした形象や質感は、額に入った鏡へのドローイングと共通する。またこのドローイングの曖昧模糊と
これと同じようなことはセピア色の写真にも言える。セピアへの退色はそれだけで過ぎ去った時を喚起するが、さらに松井さんはもうひとつの仕掛けを施している。セピアに色褪せた写真は映像でも展示でも鮮やかな朱色の円筒形の箱と共に登場する。それゆえ同じ写真と見てしまいがちだが、映像中の写真は父母とその子どもとおぼしき3 人【PP・46-47】、展示された写真は母と男の子の2 人と実はまるで異なった写真【P・48】なのである。こうして写真が差し替えられれば、そこに写る者も、その写真を手にとり写っている人物を偲ぶ者も、そしてそれぞれが存在した時間も全てが差し替えられるわけだ。
この亡き者を偲ぶという点で重要な役割を果たすのが、松井さんが当初から制作を希望したガラスでできた皮靴と草履である。《プルシャ 光》と名付けられたこの一対の履物は、明るい光が差し込む洋間の一角に展示された【P・29】。
完成した映像作品《HEIDI 54 “プルシャ”》では、松井さんは、衣装を変えて4つのキャラクターとして登場する。白いワンピースの女性【P・22 上】、赤い着物をまとい長い白布を引きずる女性【P・23 上】、そして黒いワンピースの女性【P・23 下】と、やはり黒の紋付の着物の女性【P・22 下】。それから映像にはもう一人、白髪が印象的な黒づくめの男性が登場する【P・25】。
《ハイジ》シリーズは、アルプスの少女として有名なハイジが松井さんの実年齢となった想定のうえに制作が続けられているが、白いワンピースの女性はそのハイジと重なる存在であろう。他の色彩を持つキャラクターたちは、その白に対する有色の一群と捉えることもできようし、あるいは白に対する黒とそれに対する第3 極としての赤という関係を想定することもできよう。あるいは赤は白い布をまとったり、動物の被り物を身に付けたりするところから両義的なトリックスターと見ることもできる。
最後に、映像には登場しないもうひとつのものである洋間と2 階和室に飾られた2003 年作の《ヒマラヤ》と題するホログラフィー版画3 点【PP・52 - 53】にふれたい。
ギャラリーMEM 松井智惠個展《ヒマラヤ》 ホームページ(2014 年5月現在)
こう見てくれば、《ヒマラヤ》は有隣荘にあるべく、すでに生まれていた作品だと言える。そしてもうひとつだけ、松井さんの語った言葉を見ておきたい。《HEIDI 54 “プルシャ”》の最後に示される文字幕である。
ここで観客は小川治兵衞が手がけた開放的な庭を目にしながら、障子の向こう側で投影されている《HEIDI54 “プルシャ”》の音を聞くこととなる。障子一枚の厚さだけで視覚は遮断され、聴覚のみが感知する、いわば捻じれた空間構成がここにあるのだ。
Close but Far, Far but Close
Hideyuki Yanagisawa
Curator, Ohara Museum of Art
Chie Matsui’s research on Kurashiki began in earnest in the fall of 2013 in preparation for the exhibition in the spring of the following year. Together we wandered around the museum area, and visited Kojima, Mizushima, and Tamashima, which despite being part of the city of Kurashiki have a distinctly different feel, as we slowly breathed in the air there.
Except for introducing some people who had agreed to help with Matsui’s request to take photographs of glass footwear production and the Mizushima Industrial Complex, it was really just the two of us walking and looking around the town. Amazingly, some of the things we encountered in the street ended up playing important roles in what eventually became her video work HEIDI 54 ”Purusha.” Among these were some glass balls we found in Professor Akihiro Isogai’s laboratory at the Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts (Isogai had kindly agreed to show us how to make glass footwear), a glass pitcher made by Masahiro Ishikawa that we happened across at the Kurashiki Museum of Folkcraft, and the coming and going of sightseeing boats on the Kurashiki River.
Matsui shot the work on three visits in the fall and winter. Objects and landscapes that she had collected inspired some scenes, and other scenes demanded new objects. Needless to say, however, the core of the work grew out of Matsui’s critical views and thoughts about the Yurinso Villa.
Yurinso was built by Magosaburo Ohara on the east side of his main residence as an auxiliary house for his family. It was designed by Kazue Yakushiji, who was also involved in designing the main building of the adjacent Ohara Museum of Art and the Hommachi Liaison Office at the Kurashiki branch of Chugoku Bank. As is clear from these buildings, Yakushiji was a specialist in Western-style architecture, and was especially adept at art-deco design, which at the time was seen as cutting-edge. His abilities are on full display in Yurinso’s Western-style room, which was intended as a place for Ohara’s family to enjoy each other’s company. Initial plans called for the entire villa to have a similarly Western style. But the need for a guesthouse, and in particular one with a Japanese flavor, forced Yakushiji to change his original proposal and seek the advice of Chuta Ito, with whom he had studied at Tokyo Imperial University, to create a Japanese-style section. The roof, with its Chinese-style colors, and the decorations in the dining hall reflect the intentions of Torajiro Kojima, a Western-style painter and associate of Ohara’s who helped develop the collection of Western art works that provided the foundation for the Ohara Museum of Art. This explains how the Yurinso Villa, completed in 1928, became such a unique structure, boasting a mixture of Eastern and Western architectural styles.
In the artist statement that Matsui wrote for this exhibition (see p. 6), she refers to the villa’s architectural features as a collection of things from a variety of times and places that make it seem as if Yurinso is part of a world map charted on several different temporal axes.
The Orient Room in the Torajiro Kojima Memorial Hall seems to have further enhanced Matsui’s understanding of the villa. She spent an extended period in this room, which I casually mentioned to her, when she began her research. Finding ancient shards of glass and pottery there, Matsui was inspired to consider what kind of civilization existed prior to the emergence of a distinction between East and West, and how culture was transmitted. These fragments apparently conveyed resonant tone-colors that transcended time and space. And the small objects that appear in HEIDI 54 ”Purusha” are also somehow reminiscent of the objects on display in the room.
After coming into contact with the Orient Room and the Yurinso Villa, an image of the place seems to have gradually taken shape in Matsui’s mind. She envisioned a place that arose out of a different time and space, but was also tolerant enough to accept various things.
In terms of being accepting, Yurinso also played a part in the work. In her statement, Matsui calls the villa “a refined and harmonious space, a space without any commotion.” She also mentions the absence of noise, saying “the building has no sound.” It is certainly true that the house is isolated from the hustle and bustle, and no matter how crowded it is outside, you do not notice anything at all once you step inside. There is no way of knowing exactly what the designer intended in terms of soundproofing, but in making Yurinso he clearly set out to create a haven of peace and harmony. The house was originally built with Ohara’s sickly wife, Sueko, in mind. While attempting to convey Ohara’s own spirit, Yakushiji, as the architect, Kojima, as the decorator, and Jihee Ogawa VII and VIII, as the designers of the garden, also took their benefactor’s intentions into account and worked to express his feelings for his wife. With its retrained decorations, high roomy ceilings, and the unusual measurements of the stairs, the house is permeated with a broad-minded and gentle ethos. And despite the mixture of architectural elements from East and West, it does not have a restless feel – it is truly a quiet and peaceful space. This is because Ohara and the men involved in making the villa were sincerely trying to convey their feelings to Sueko.
Matsui sensed this on some deep level, and for this reason, she also realized that the building was filled with memories of the dead.
About one year after the house was completed, Ohara lost his close friend Kojima. He quickly began building a museum across from the house in order to show the things Kojima had collected on visits to Western countries and his own works, but not long after Ohara suffered another misfortune when Sueko died. What was Ohara thinking as he gazed out of the villa’s large windows and watched the museum gradually take shape? The Ohara Museum of Art opened its doors in November of 1930, about six months after Sueko’s death.
As Matsui was heading into the last phase of shooting, she asked me to find an elderly man who exuded a tinge of sadness to appear in the video. As I searched for someone, I felt that there would be a considerable amount of overlap between the man and Ohara himself.
Prior to the last shoot, Matsui told me that she was planning to use the word “Purusha” in the exhibition title. I hope that you will read her statement to find out more about this unfamiliar word, but I had a vague impression that it was connected an Eastern worldview of existence. It seemed to be a worldview that was not founded on dichotomies like fact and fiction, truth and appearance, existence and absence, and perfection and imperfection. It was the opposite of the Western idea that various phenomena and entities in the real world are imitations of true forms or archetypes. Since Plato’s theory of forms, artists have been expected to present ideas of this kind in a concrete manner, but what Chie Matsui is attempting to do as an artist is to create work without such distinctions – or work derived from a state that predates this very notion.
Matsui showed me her video work when we were setting up the exhibition about a week before it opened. As she herself says, “You might compare it to looking at your reflection in the surface of the water or a mirror.” In HEIDI 54 ”Purusha,” there are many images related to the surface of the Kurashiki River, and mirrors and windows in the Yurinso Villa. And the display that she created inside the building acts in concert with the video, which is shown in a Japanese-style room on the first floor.
In general, the items on display are objects that appear in the video, but in some cases they have been altered. There are also things that are not in the video. Among the displays is a framed mirror in the Western-style room that serves as the starting point for the relationship between the objects and the scenes in the video. This object, similar to a painting or mirror in that it is enclosed in a frame, is a mirror with a wax drawing on its surface (pp. 14-15). Because it has been deprived of its function as a mirror, it seems more like a painting, but it has the appearance of a clouded mirror. In the video, this image overlaps with the scene of a mirror being clouded with breath (p. 17), and the breath is in turn linked to the form of a white swan with a broken neck on the Kurashiki River in the dead of night.
Drawing Purusha 1 and Drawing Purusha 2 (pp. 36-37) are drawings that Matsui made inside Yurinso as preparations for the exhibition were drawing to a close. They are displayed in the dim alcove in the Japanese-style room on the first floor (p. 34). Their lumpy shapes and textures share something with the framed wax drawing. According to Matsui, the obscure figures are images of dragons rising up. This seems to tie in with the dragon patterns that can be found throughout the villa, a reference to the fact that Magosaburo Ohara was born in the year of the dragon, and also suggests that the mirror drawing is connected to Ohara himself. Thus, with the framed mirror as a starting point, the video and display items conjure up images from one another, and on a symbolic level, they connote a circuit that is linked to decorations in Yurinso and can therefore be traced back to Ohara.
However, Matsui does not make such direct connections; she deals with things in a vague and ambiguous manner by making them overlap slightly and then shifting them apart. As a result, instead of comprehending these connections as a whole, viewers are enveloped in a sense of movement and acceleration, flowing or wandering through a variety of situations. In the sense that we do not encounter a complete world, and the objects and video images connect and expand, you might say that what Matsui presents us with an aesthetics of continuity in which Yurinso and the exhibition form links with things outside of this context.
This continuity or fluid sensibility also comes into play, and the framed mirror plays an important part in arousing the temporal sensations that emerge from the interaction between the video and the objects.
The objects appear in the Western-style room in the video as well as in the actual display. Thus, when visitors see the video in the Japanese-style room, they encounter the scene as something that they witnessed a moment earlier. As a result, regardless of whether something happened just now or in the distant past, the temporal quality in the video tends to overwhelm us with a strange sensation, making it difficult to establish a sense of perspective in relation to the present. We have the sense that we are suspended in a shifting, rebounding state of uncertain time. The only certain thing is that this time is part of an unattainable past.
The same thing might be said of the sepia photographs. By simply fading to sepia, a picture has the ability to evoke an image from the past, but Matsui supplements this with another device. In both the video and the display, a sepia photograph appears next to a round vermilion box. Though we are apt to mistake them for the same picture, the photograph in the video actually shows three people, a couple with their child (pp. 46-47), but the one in the display is completely different, showing a mother with her two sons (p. 48). Switching the photographs causes a change in everything – the people in the pictures, the people holding the pictures and remembering the people in them, and the time in the pictures.
Supplementing the mirror and photographs with this device has the effect of creating different phases and fragments of time. This makes us feel as if we are dreaming. And at the same time, it creates a stronger sense of isolation from the past and the events that happened then as well as a sense of yearning for it. This is also indicates Matsui’s awareness of Yurinso as a place that is filled with memories of the dead.
The glass shoes and zori (Japanese sandals), which Matsui had wanted to have made from the outset of the project, play an especially important role in remembering the dead. The footwear, titled Purusha Light, is displayed in one corner of the Western-style room, bathed in bright sunlight (p. 29).
The footwear does not appear in the video. There is only a scene at the end of the work in which a woman wearing a white dress steps into the place where the shoes and zori were, as if she is preparing to go out (p. 60).
Yet, the footwear has a deep significance. Who do they belong to? Why are there both shoes and zori? And why are they in this place?
In the completed video HEIDI 54 “Purusha,” Matsui changes costumes and appears as four different characters: a woman in a white dress (top, p. 22), a woman in a red kimono dragging a long white cloth (top, p. 23), a woman in a black dress (bottom, p. 23), and a woman in a black crested kimono (bottom, p. 22). There is also a gray-haired man dressed entirely in black (p. 25).
The Heidi series is an ongoing project based on the idea that the famous girl from the Alps has reached Matsui’s actual age at the time that she makes each work. Here, the woman in the white dress overlaps with Heidi. We might see the characters dressed in other colors as a group of colors that contrast with white or we might find a connection between black as the opposite of white, and see red as a third extreme. Or based on the fact that the woman in red is also clad in a white cloth and wearing animal headgear, we might see this character as an ambiguous trickster.
If we were to search for the owner of the footwear among these figures, and combine them according to the proper gender and clothing, the zori could only belong to the woman in the black kimono and the shoes could only belong to the man in black – the only male here. The color of the characters’ attire and the fact that the carpet beneath the glass footwear is black bolsters this hypothesis.
The combination of shoes and zori also overlaps with the image of Yurinso as a place that contains a mixture of Western and Eastern elements, and this could also be extended into the realm of real life. While such a combination is often visible on ceremonial occasions, in what era would it have been common to see a man dressed in Western clothing and shoes alongside a woman in Japanese attire? This would most likely be some time between the prewar era of the late 1920s and ’30s and the high growth period that began after the war. And this would correspond to the period in which Ohara and Sueko lived, and would also overlap with Matsui’s parents’ generation. Bringing up the artist’s parents might seem abrupt, but based on the fact that in her artist statement Matsui refers to the Mizushima Industrial Complex in relation to the period in which she grew up, it would not be altogether wrong to see the work in terms of her personal history.
Naturally, in light of Matsui’s approach of creating links that waver in and out of alignment, we must refrain from concluding that the footwear belongs to any specific person. But it is safe to say that the man in black has a lot in common with Magosaburo Ohara. Gazing outside the window alone or looking down at a ball in his palm, he is clearly the man of the house, and he seems to either be waiting for someone or to be immersed in his memories. But I will not go as far as to say that the subject of his thoughts is the woman in the black crested kimono – or Sueko. For example, in the scene in which the woman is evidently holding a cell phone (p. 57), we can hear someone mutter, “Hello? I can’t hear you,” but Sueko could only be remembered by Magosaburo, and she would not be able to call out to him or make an appearance. And in the video, the man in black is not her only counterpart; there are also the women in the white and black dresses, or perhaps she is meant to be a solitary figure without any counterparts.
I will not go into any more detail about specific characters except to say that the owners of the footwear are already dead and should be considered absent from this place. If we look carefully at the end of the video, the woman who steps into the place where the glass shoes were initially seems to be wearing a white dress, but underneath she is also wearing something black. This border, linked to a place that is distinct from Yurinso, must be the line between life and death, or a place where the two dwell alongside each other without any division. And this is where the glass shoes and zori were.
Finally, I would like to touch on something else that does not appear in the video – a 1993 work titled Himalaya, made up of three holographic prints (pp. 52-53), which decorate the Western-style room and the Japanese-style room on the second floor.
Like the surface of water or a mirror, the image in a holograph changes depending on how the viewer looks at it or how the light hits it, which seemed at first to be the reason that Matsui included the work in this exhibition. But after reading the following text about the work from the time it was first shown, I realized just how appropriate it was for this exhibition:
The Himalayas have always been there.
They have known how we work for a very long time,
and as they take a breath
and say, “Oh, here we go again,”
life and death are repeatedly endlessly.
I will probably never go to the Himalayas.
The Himalayas are very famous
and I don’t even remember when I first heard the name.
The “Himalayas” have been inside me from the start.
That’s why they seem close but far, far but close.
It’s a place that even the postman can’t go,
a place that you yearn for as if you have been there in the past
with a yearning that makes you want to leave gravity and the earth behind.
Yet, there is a sense of warmth attached to the earth and its gravity.
Filled with agony, filled with joy.
–– from Keiji Nakamura and Chie Matsui, We Never Went Out on a Date, trans. Christopher Stephens (Chie Matsui / Roba-Film, 2005), pp. 22-23.
The phrase “close but far, far but close” suggests the sense of distance and alienation that we feel when we realize that although we see something real when we recall a certain image, it is not something we can touch with our hands. And in time, the person remembering the image will die and join the person they are remembering, and as Matsui says, “…life and death are repeatedly endlessly.” In other words, this is not an image of death standing behind every life, covering everything eternally. It is an image of the temporal flow of transmigration, in which death does not follow on directly from life, but is akin to a ball of wool, gently revolving several times. As a result, it sometimes seems to move back and forth, and cross at a nearby place.
With this in mind, “close but far, far but close” suggests not the sense of distance between two people who shared the same time, one remembering and the other dead, but a sense of eternal distance that cannot be contained in the conceivable span of a single life. It is as if something that seems very close, something that is right over there, has arrived after passing through a distant time and space.
In that sense, Himalaya is a preexisting work that belongs in Yurinso. I would like to take a look at another passage by Matsui – the caption that appears in the final scene of HEIDI 54 “Purusha”:
The image
seems to be there,
but it is an unreachable person,
without cause or name,
beyond the sea
With this final phrase, Matsui again suggests a spatial distance rather than a temporal one.
Though it is common to focus on temporal breaks, the Yurinso Villa is also a deftly constructed example of spatial proximity and interruption. One particularly symbolic place is the tatami-mat verandah, drenched in sunlight, where we arrive after visiting the Western-style room. Here, as we look out at the open garden designed by the Ogawas, we can hear the sound of HEIDI 54 “Purusha” being shown on the other side of the shoji screen. Our vision is obstructed by this single paper screen, forcing us to rely on our hearing alone – in other words, the space is constructed in a slightly twisted way.
While casually interweaving the concrete spatial images of the Himalayas and the sea, Chie Matsui invites us to visit a world that is close but far, far but close.
©Hideyuki Yanagisawa
初期のインスタレーションに触れたのはほかでもない。版画工房ノマルエディションとの協同作業による、ギャラリーノマルでの初個展「a story – とんがり山」の会場で、その中心に大量の石膏を使った「とんがり山」が出現していたからだ。艶消しの白と無垢の肌合いが持ち味の石膏という材料は、松井のインスタレーションで必ず用いられたものだが、かつてのように会場構成の一部に組み込まれるのではなく、今回は壁からまるで漫画の吹き出しのように、ギャラリーの中心部にせり出し、さらにそこからとんがり山がまるでむっくりと立ち上がったかのように見えるのが印象的だった。しかも、石膏の物量はかなりあるにもかかわらず、その存在感が希薄なのが不思議である。まるで逃げ水のように、近づくと消えてしまう、そんな風に見えなくもない。立体的な逃げ水?
©️島 敦彦 国立国際美術館館長
Narratives Remaining Unfinished
An established fine artist, Chie Matsui has been continuing her creative activities for more than 30 years; while she was a student of Kyoto City University of Arts, she held one-person exhibitions and participated frequently in group ones, such as “Yes Art” and “Fujiyama Geisha.” A series of her large-scale installation works since the early 1980s, among others, drew critics’ attention (in those days, the word installation sounded brilliant as a term of expressing a space where, unlike previous sculpture or cube, one can experience space as such).
In her works, diverse materials, such as lead, plaster, logs, brick, grass, paraffin, mirrors, cotton cloth, and thread, were processed the way they weren’t meant to designate some particular story, and installed at peculiar intervals; those works were titled like these: Days In The Woods, Underground (1986), I’ve Placed A Box On The Sheets Of Woods (1987, 88), The Water Goes Back Over Its Way (1988), Channel, At The Speed Of Her Mind (1989). These works would make those who visited their exhibitions feel as if they were themselves a traveller, one of the characters in a story, wandering in the atmosphere that struck them simultaneously as grave and light. Those elements found in her latest video works may have already existed in them. Unlike the video works of hers, however, her early installation works depended, it could rather be seen easily, exclusively on the large amount of time and energy invested in them, not to mention that of labour invested just in installing them.
It is precisely because ‘Tongari Yama’ or a pointed hill, for which a large amount of plaster was used, appeared at the centre of her first one-person exhibition at Gallery Nomart, “a story - Tongari Yama,” a cooperation with Atelier Nomart Editions of print, that I refer to her early installation works. For all of them, Chie Matsui used plaster, which material reminds us, with its colour of matte white, of something of innocence. This time, the plaster was sticking out, as if a balloon, from the wall to the center of the gallery, instead of being placed alongside the other objects as it was in the early 80s. This made me feel as if ‘Tongari Yama’ were raised high up from the wall. In addition, despite the massive amount of plaster, the presence of it was, as it was felt to me somehow, scarce. If you come close to it, it might disappear just like a road mirage — it might be conceived, perhaps, to be a cubic mirage.
You cannot view, however, her works of silkscreen placed all around the walls without regarding the hill of plaster. All of your memories would be lightly shaken as the prints of silkscreen and the hill of plaster resonate or interfere with each other.
This is the first time Chie Matsui has worked on silkscreen. An artist alone could have hardly realized such a large scale exhibition without a cooperation with a specialized atelier of print like Nomart Editions. She drew directly on film, with the atelier assisting her, confiring what the artist intended. Their first accomplishments were the 30 works of silkscreen hung in square order on the left wall.
These works may present the basic elements: some of them are the drawings seemingly representing the masses of primitive objects that have not yet been moulded into some particular forms, others are the ones of the portrait of a girl and, presumably, birds and other small animals respectively. Although these alone could be integral enough to make us bear certain conceptions, she is never content simply with these results. Perhaps acknowledging her ambition, Nomart Editions have made attempts to create variations, assemblages or differentiations of them; they have newly invented the print works in which the colours of ink and the size or the quality of paper are combined in diverse ways, different from their original achievements. These diverse works have in turn been irregularly disposed on the walls, thereby producing a space of exhibition that is full of differentiation.
Behind this successful cooperation with the atelier lie a huge number of drawings of hers, Ms. piece, which she has been making almost every day since 2011. Drawing is in fact a daily routine for almost every fine artist. It reflects those mental and physical workings of the artist that are being encountered, fused, or repelled with each other, be it an elaborate one, a spontaneous sketch or just something of stains of ink. It might be compared to core-training of an athlete, I suppose.
Chie Matsui once said that drawing constituted for her ‘the part of noise.’ It is, in fact, the kind of work that the artist can practice without fear of making mistakes, since, unlike the work of installation that entails physical constraint, she or he is free there to choose its subject or material — Chie Matsui once used nail varnish, actually. This time, however, it seems quite intriguing, ‘the part of noise’ of her drawing works, amplified through the technique of silkscreen and yet, precisely because of the use of printing, never becoming excessive, has given much the same sense of quality to each piece’s manifestation.
Chie Matsui conceives her own works of installation, video, and, perhaps, printing as ‘devices with which to generate narratives.’ Most of us tend to interpret works of art. Each of us just can interpret them in her or his own right, indeed. But, for Chie Matsui herself, narratives or interpretations will never cease to be the question remaining unfinished.
Atsuhiko Shima
Director, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art
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Project 57:Bul Lee/Chie Matsui